
Sunday 6 May 2012

Chocolate Ripple Cheesecake

This a quick post as I'm tryign to make the deadline for this week's WeeklyBakeOff. What you should probably understand is that cheesecakes are kind of my 'thing'. They are one of the first things I started to bake and I've always used the same recipe which uses soured cream as well as cream cheese and whisks the egg whites into stiff peaks. It is by no means fool proof and often cracks but produces a deliciously light cheesecake. So I wasn't sure whether to enter this week but I had cream cheese in the fridge and chocolate left over from the bake off so I thought I'd give it a go.

I must admit that, true to form, I adapted the recipe to avoid buying extra ingredients. Cocoa powder was added to plain digestives as I didn't have chocolate ones. In hindsight I wish I'd just used the plain biscuits as I think the cocoa made the base bit softer. The recipe called for plain chocolate but I wanted to use up the leftover white and milk chocolate I had so I used that and added a bit of cocoa powder for a darker look and an extra chocolatey flavour. Also, some of the cream cheese I used was low fat but it seemed to work, the cake was a bit cracked but I was fairly pleased with it.

As you can see I ended up with a layer of the layer of the plain cheesecake and a chocolate so it could have done with being mixed up a bit better but I was worried about mixing it together too much and losing the ripple look. The cake was nice and disappeared quickly when I took it into the office; it was a thick and rich cheesecake and although it was tasty it won't be taking over from my trusty recipe.

I'm thinking of starting a quest for the ultimate cheesecake so let me know if you have a good recipe and I'll out it to a blind tasting test :)


  1. Just finished judging these for the Weekly Bake Off- yours looks delicious! Bet your colleagues loved it x

    1. Thanks Emma, bet you're hungry after staring at all those cakes! x x x
