
Sunday 11 November 2012

A life of cupcakes....

It's now almost two months since I took a considerable pay cut and acquired an early morning commute out of London to bake cupcakes for a living. It has been a big change, I am very tired and my figure is fast deteriorating as I struggle to eat well and rarely get to the gym. It is a struggle financially and I will be sad to leave the little patch of south London which we have come to love. However all this is more than worth it to do something I love!

Before I started this job I had never covered a cake in fondant icing, in fact I rarely worked with sugarpaste at all. My focus has always been on flavours rather than decoration as you can probably tell if you've read my blog!

Since starting this job I have covered 4 celebration cakes, not to mention countless giant cupcakes; I have made first wedding cake (which was the first fruit cake I had ever made!) as well as wedding cupcake towers for every weekend I've been there. I've made my first cupcake bouquets, made 1000+ cupcakes in a day (same day as the wedding cake!) and even taught myself to make sugarpaste roses.

I'm so excited to improve on what I have learnt and develop new skills. I would love to do some kind of course so that I can get some real training but at the moment I am trying to teach myself as much as possible and learn from those around me.

Here are some examples of what I've been up to:

I want to say that two months ago I would never have imagined that I could have this job. Taking these leaps are not easy and I realise that I am fortunate in that I am young and have no mortgage or children to worry about so the risk was lower. But this whole experience has opened my eyes opportunities there are out there. I'm not special and I haven't always had the attitude of 'you can do whatever you want'; I just decided to go for it. And to be honest if it wasn't for the people around me who saw it a lot clearer than I did, I probably would have been brave enough - I am very lucky :)


  1. What fabulous cakes...and what a brave move! As I said before I'd love to do something like this! All your decorations look great! :-)

    1. Thanks Laura, just been reading your latest posts and I love the Numberjacks cakes (although I must admit I had no idea what Numberjacks was!). Definitely going to try my hand at the chocolate leaves as well - they look amazing!

  2. come to faircake! will give you a break for a day/leave the washing up to me whilst you sit and learn ! do it x

    1. Hi Emine, I keep meaning to reply to your cupcake post - I would love you to take pictures of my cakes at some point, your photos always look amazing and I love your blog's new look by the way :)
      I wpould absolutely love to do a class at Faircake - I've been looking at them for a while but will have to save up some dough first :) x
