
Sunday 22 March 2015

No-bake Flapjack

When one is without an oven, one must simply make do.

No-bake Flapjack

Ahh the humble flapjack. So often overlooked in favour over a double choc cookie but a brilliant companion to a good cuppa. I have always been a fan, perhaps because my mum has such a good recipe for them. 

These a not buttery baked flapjacks with a crunchy top. If you are looking for that recipe click here.

But wait! These little beauties are easy to make, sticky, sweet and nutty. And I reckon you could even call them breakfast!


No-bake Flapjack

1.5 cups oats
1/3 cup honey
1 cup peeled peanuts
3 tblsp sesame seeds

- Line a baking tray. 

- Dry fry the sesame seeds in a pan until they are golden brown. 

- Set them aside in a bowl. 

- Do the same to the peanuts. 

Peanut Flapjack

- Add 1/4 cup of the peanuts to the sesame seeds. 

- Put the rest in a mortar (or food processor if you have one) and pound/whizz away until your     peanuts are crushed into a nice variety of sizes.

- Add these peanuts to the rest of the seeds and nuts.

Peanut Flapjack

- Heat the honey in a pan to loosen. Remove the pan from the heat and stir in the oats. 

- Once all the oats are covered in honey, stir in the nuts and seeds. 

-Once you are satisfied that the nuts and seeds are evenly distributed, spoon your mixture into the baking tray and refrigerate. 

I found that these needed to be eaten straight from the fridge. This could be due to the 40 degree heat or it could be that I should have used set/less honey - I will experiment...

Either way they didn’t make it into work so they must have been good!

No-Bake Flapjack

I'm linking this up to #CookBlogShare over at and #Recipeoftheweek at - check out these sites for delicious recipes and photos for make your mouth water!



  1. I love flapjacks but never tried unbaked ones before. They seem quick and easy to make. I will give them a go with the kids :)

    1. They're not quite the same but healthier and very simple so would be a great thing to make with kids :)

  2. These look so tasty – never made flapjacks before but I sure love eating them! Thanks for linking up with #CookBlogShare

    1. I was brought up on my mum's flapjack which probably account for my sizeable hips! These aren't quite the same but probably better for my hips!!
